While the Bosque County Notification system is not a real-time alerting system, it does provide rapid phone call notification during a major crisis or emergency. BCNS delivers important emergency alerts, notifications and updates on a range of devices including your:

  • E-mail account
  • Mobile phone
  • Blackberry, iPhone or Smartphone

BCNS sends phone messages to landline telephones located within the county, having a landline automatically adds you to the system. If you do not have a landline you must register to receive any alerts.

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When an incident or emergency occurs, authorized Bosque County Office of Emergency Management personnel can notify you using this community alert system. Bosque County Notification system is your personal connection to updates, instructions on where to go, what to do, or what not to do, who to contact and other important information.

Bosque County Notification system is available to citizens of Bosque County as well as individuals traveling to or working in the county.
