


 Jesse Jobes

Bosque County Auditor
 104 W. Morgan
P. O. Box 647
Meridian, TX 76665


Laura, Assistant Auditor

Polly, Assistant Auditor

Mission and Responsibilities of the County Auditor


The County Auditor's Office is here to safeguard the assets of the County.  To establish and maintain an effective and efficient financial management system that cultivates fiscal responsibility, while fulfilling statutory duties and responsibilities in a professional and objective manner.


The County Auditor is the Chief Financial Officer with numerous responsibilities mandated in Texas State Statues. The Auditor has continuous access to all books and financial records of every elected official and conducts detailed examinations of all county financial operations.

These duties and others encompass the daily task of ensuring accountability and financial transparency to the public at large. This includes advising the Commissioners Court concerning financial conditions, findings from examinations and the County’s financial position as it relates and affects the Court in the decision-making process including strategic planning and accountability testing relevant to systems control and risk.

Additional responsibilities include establishing internal controls, prescribing a system of accounting for the receipt and disbursement of funds for the County, approving claims against the County, maintaining a set of accounting records (general ledger) and countersigning all checks and/or transfers in the disbursement of funds other than checks to County Jurors. 

Further, the County Auditor prepares monthly and annual financial reports to the Commissioners Court and Judicial District Judge and further prepares annual revenue estimates and is an integral part of the overall budget process. Last but not least, “the County Auditor shall see to the strict enforcement of the law governing county finances.”

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