
The Hon. Jeff Hightower,  Precinct 1

Justice of the Peace Precinct 1

P O Box 172

Meridian, TX 76665

The Hon. Michele Valdez,  Precinct 2

Justice of the Peace Precinct 2

P O Box 204

Clifton, TX 76634

Duties and Responsibilities of the Justices of the Peace

Justices of the Peace, also known as JP's, are the presiding officers of the justice court and the small claims court. The JP's have jurisdiction over class C misdemeanors, issues arrest and search warrants and magistrates adult and juvenile offenders.
The JP's also perform marriages and hold inquests upon death.

WRU Payment QR Flyer

Petition - Occupation Drivers License

Petition - Eviction


Application - Expunction of conviction records

Application - Expunction of arrest records - alcohol offense or defendant under 17

Self Help/Legal Resources

CARES Act Affidavit

CDC Declaration Form

OCA Appointments and Fees June 2018 JP1

OCA Appointments and Fees February 2019 JP2