


Call the Bosque County Sheriff's Office non-emergency number at 254-435-2363 to learn the status of burn bans in Bosque County AND to report if you plan to burn. 

Outdoor burning is permissible as long as there is not a burn ban in effect and conditions are safe. You should always take precautions when burning trash or engaging in any type of outdoor burning activity. Remember, negligent outdoor burning is a crime regardless if a burn ban is in effect or not. 

Allowing your fire to escape onto someone else’s property is a Class C misdemeanor offense (the same as violation of a burn ban) that is punishable by a fine up to $500.

Deliberately setting fire to someone else’s property is arson, which is a felony offense punishable by a fine of up to $10,000 and a prison term of from 2 years to 99 years in prison.

Consider these tips for outdoor burning:

  • Create a defensible space of at least 30 feet around your house and outbuildings; closely mow lawns and trees should be pruned and spaced widely apart.
  • Establish fuel breaks along roadways and between buildings and fields or woodlands.
  • Keep mufflers and spark arresters on agricultural equipment in proper working order and watch out for rocks and metal when bush hogging or mowing.
  • Monitor hay-baling operations closely, dry hay can ignite within the baler.
  • Watch out for sparks when using welding equipment to build fences or repair equipment.
  • Avoid driving or parking vehicles in grassy areas where tall, dry grass comes into contact with hot pollution control equipment under vehicles.
  • Postpone outdoor burning until your area greens up.
  • When debris burning is allowed, establish wide control lines down to bare mineral soil prior to lighting your fire.
  • Burn trash in a burn barrel or other fire-safe receptacle covered with a wire mesh or gird that will help contain burning debris. Stay with your fire until it is out.

We all have a part to play in keeping ourselves, neighbors and friends safe when we burn. If you have any questions please contact OEM at 254-435-2807.