Bosque County Senior Services


Susan G. Baker – Project Director          Email          Office Phone: 254-435-2930

Keith Vandiver – Site Manager                                    405 S Hill Street, Meridian

Jeanie Cosper – Volunteer Coordinator                        PO Box 647, Meridian, TX 76665

   HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Fri - 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.


Bosque County Senior Services (BCSS) provides a meal program and a resource/service hub for seniors over 60, caregivers and disabled seniors.

Congregate Sites:

  1.  Meridian offers a congregant meal on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11:30 a.m. at the First Methodist Church Family Life Center located at 300 N Main, Meridian, Texas.

  2. Walnut Springs offers a congregant meal on Thursdays at 12:00 noon, at the Walnut Springs Baptist Church Fellowship Hall located at 152 4th Street, Walnut Springs.

  3. Valley Mills offers a congregant meal on Wednesdays at 11:30am, at Valley Mills Civic Center located at 101 W. Avenue E, Valley Mills, Texas

  4. Congregant sites are planning to open in Cranfills Gap, Texas and Iredell, Texas in 2025.

Homebound routes:

  1. Meridian, Clifton and Valley Mills provide a meal program for homebound seniors living within the city limits, of each town, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday,

  2. Meridian also provides a homebound route on the west side of Lake Whitney on Thursdays.


Services provided at the office or senior sites are educational classes, taught by facilitators from Area Agency on Aging of Heart of Texas.

  1. “Matter of Balance” emphasizes practical strategies to manage falls and set goals for increasing activity.

  2. “Stress Busters” teaches stress management techniques; Relaxation and Coping Strategies for caregivers of Alzheimer’s disease or other Chronic Illness.

Congregant sites also provide Nutrition Education and other services available to seniors.

Focus: BCSS is a nutritional meal provider and a resource hub for seniors and their caregivers in the county.

Vision: To provide food and education for the heart, body and soul.


Heart of Texas Council of Governments (HOTCOG): 1-855-937-2372

Area Agency on Aging

Health and Human Services:

Heart of Texas Rural Public Transit   1-254-292-1873

Bosque County Emergency Management